This is the Grips Retailer View, where you can see domain-level performance. Here Grips is reporting on performance we observe on a selected domain, not a company overall.For example, when you are looking at in the Retailer View of our platform, you are looking at performance on that specific webpage, not Nike as a company overall. Some additional considerations:
1st party sales only (e.g. sales only.)
Returns are not included
Subscriptions: we report only the first sale observed at checkout, not full subscription cost over a given time period
Subdomains are included as part of the domain
Top level domain variations are not included (e.g. doesn’t include revenue)
Sales generated in an app are not included
Click and collect: if click and collect is running via the online checkout for a retailer, we report this as online revenue
B2C sales primarily: only sales running through the online checkout for a retailer are included
For more support on how to use the platform and details on our data, please visit our knowledge base.